Sharing of Sustenance
The sharing of sustenance, whether it be food, water, medicine, knowledge, technology... is an important human action. This is not about letting others become dependent on the help offered, but rather to be empowered and to prosper on their own. This is the symbolic interpretation of the carved images on the 'body' of the sculpture. The 'body' is designed to be turned, revealing the Mother Figure handing nourishment to the children, teaching them how to grow the food, and they in turn, passing the knowledge along to the next generation.
Size: 30” x 10” x 10”
Medium: Basswood (figure) laminated Douglas fir (base), ballbearing plates, oil stain, poly-acrylic varnish
Price: $7,900
Detail of Face
Splayed detail of 'body' of figure. The elongated 'body' rotates as in a Prayer Wheel fashion.
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